Calibre movie refiew
Calibre movie refiew

He specializes in stammering Prince Charmings who, with a flick of their scepters, confer a swanlike grace on the avaricious, not-so-ugly ducklings swarming around them, tin cups in hand. Bullock (who produced the movie) makes sense.

calibre movie refiew

''Two Weeks Notice,'' which opens today nationwide, seems to be more about star casting than about love, politics, business or anything else.

calibre movie refiew

While she groans and retches in the background, George gallantly makes small talk with the Kentucky rednecks who have taken them in.

calibre movie refiew

Her chivalrous boss insists they abandon the car then and there, and he bribes the driver of the nearest trailer to let Lucy use the toilet. Its most ambitious joke is to give Lucy a sudden attack of diarrhea in the middle of a traffic jam while she and George are driving back to Manhattan from a Mets game at which she consumed too much junk food. Bullock - is so desperate for laughs that it ends up looking for them in the bathroom. ''Two Weeks Notice'' - the first feature directed by Marc Lawrence, a writer of the beauty pageant spoof ''Miss Congeniality,'' a far wittier film that also starred Ms. How long will it be before the yammering, brainy lawyer shuts up and succumbs to her boss's rakish charms? And once he realizes her true worth (she boasts that she makes love like ''a bobcat pretzel,'' whatever that is), how long before her kisses instill him with a teeny-weeny blip of social conscience? After you've endured a half-hour of the movie's toothless sitcom dialogue, the answer is the sooner the better. As George Wade (Hugh Grant), a rich, piggy New York real estate developer, and Lucy Kelson (Sandra Bullock), the Brooklyn-based environmental lawyer he hires as his chief counsel, spar and parry, you are supposed to think Cary Grant and Irene Dunne, or Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan.

calibre movie refiew

Breezing along on gusts of stale air and perky inanities, ''Two Weeks Notice'' is a romantic comedy so vague and sadly undernourished that it makes one of Nora Ephron's low-cal strawberry sodas seem as tempting as a Philip Barry feast.

Calibre movie refiew